Weight Loss With Hypnotherapy -The Ultimate Solution

Over-eating is a bad habit that does not develop over the
course of days. It is the poor eating habits lasting for years that result in
the development of this habit. Like any other bad habit, overeating is one that
takes a lot to break, especially if you don’t have a helping hand. It has been
observed that overweight people are capable of losing a significant amount of
weight at some point in life; however, a natural tendency to regain those
pounds has also been noticed. Interestingly enough, an attempt to lose weight
with the use of willpower and modifications in the diet habits only stimulates
the conscious mind. 88% of the human mind that lies in the realms of the subconscious is not even disturbed by such
efforts. This is what justifies the minimal results you get when you use your
willpower and change your diet habits for weight loss, since only a fraction of
your mind, i-e 12%, is being utilized.
Wondering what really is the answer then? Hypnotism! Yes, it
is a technique that enables you to make use of your entire brainpower in order
to achieve your goal of losing weight and maintaining it over a long period of
Hypnosis empowers the subconscious part of your mind in
order to permanently block the negative patterns, resulting in the elimination
of bad eating habits. Once such habits have been blocked, new positive
suggestions implant the positive habits into your mind, including following a
regular exercise regime and combining it with healthy eating. A fascinating benefit of weight loss with
hypnotherapy is that it enables you to avoid regaining the lost weight over a
long period of time. What’s more is that the American Medical Association has
approved the use of hypnotherapy for clinical purposes, as long as it is being
provided by a legitimate professional.
You’ll inevitably find it interesting that various clinical
studies have already shown a remarkable positive impact of hypnotherapy on the
weight loss efforts. The evidence offered by such studies is irrefutable.
A 9-week study
was performed with two different groups for weight management. One of the
groups was being treated with hypnosis along with making the necessary efforts
to lose weight, while the other was doing the same but without hypnosis. In a
follow-up that continued for two years, it was observed that the group with
hypnotherapy showed significant results while the other group had minimal or no
effects to boast. (Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 1985).
A study was
performed on 60 women divided into two different groups – one trying to achieve
weight loss with hypnotherapy and the other without it. It was revealed that
while an average loss of 17 pounds was observed in the group with hypnotherapy,
the non-hypnotherapy group lost only 5 pounds. (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).
A study was
performed on a group of people undergoing weight loss treatment with an
addition of hypnotherapy. It was observed that the results were improved by 97%
during the treatment. The Post-treatment
effectiveness of the weight loss treatment with hypnotherapy was found to be
over 146%. This signified the consistently improving results of hypnosis for
weight loss over a longer period of time. (Journal
of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).
All in all, weight loss isn’t supposed to be as tough as it
may sound. All you have to do is to combine hypnotherapy with your weight loss
program, and you’d be able to maximize the use of your brainpower that will
directly translate into better and more sustainable results. So, what are you waiting for? Choose weight loss with hypnotherapy now and see the difference for yourself.
For free consultation you can contact us at: http://matthewtweediehypnosis.com.au/
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