Guided Hypnosis For Weight Loss
Your brain controls all that you do; your mind is your body’s boss. However, people are easily distracted by things they have no control over when it comes to reaching a particular goal. For example, a person wanting to lose weight will tend to start blaming their poor genetics, their body frame, or any other health problem for their failure to achieve their goal.
Thinking in this way is only going to side-track you, and drive you further and further away from success. You have no control over the way you were born; you have to work with it. You also cannot waste time thinking about what could have been. Playing the blame game has proven to serve as a lethal distraction and it’s best to let it go if you really want to achieve your weight loss goals.
It is most important to note that in order to succeed, you have to change yourself. And in order to change, you need to really want it; with your mind, body and soul. Since our behaviour is linked to our subconscious mind, it is not enough to just start thinking differently. Hypnosis is an option you can use to access the part of your mind that is inaccessible to conscious thought.
Hypnosis usually requires a professional, licensed hypnotherapist, but in some cases it may be done on your own. However, there are certain things you must do in order to ensure its effectiveness.
1. Make sure you’re relaxed. This allows alterations to be accepted deep into your subconscious mind.
2. Deliberately try to trigger an emotion. This could help manipulate the mind.
3. Use the power of suggestion. This works best if it is done by someone other than you. It is especially helpful for weight loss.
Getting professional help can be costly, and may prove to be a hassle. This is why some people prefer to try hypnosis out on their own at first. Now, if you opt to go for a Do-It-Yourself method, it would be helpful to follow the steps in this ‘Guided Hypnosis for Weight Loss’ list to get you going.
1. Get comfortable. It doesn’t matter if you’re lying down or sitting up. You just need to be relaxed with your eyes shut.
2. Contract, and then relax each and every muscle in your body, focusing on each one from toe to head. Pay special attention to your abdomen.
3. Breathe from your belly, making sure your abdomen rises and falls, and not your chest. Inhale and exhale deeply, thrice.
4. Don’t forget to work on doing the same for the muscles in your shoulders, neck, arms and hands.
5. Clench and relax the muscles of your face and jaw.
6. Assess your body in your mind, and repeat the process for any particular area you feel necessary.
7. Make all the negative thoughts in your head disappear. Imagine them fading away, or exhale them out as you breathe.
8. Enter the space of your best memories, so you can move yourself into your most loved place, a place where you can be completely at ease. Visualize the details of the place and imagine the feelings you experience when you are there.
9. Go back to the feeling you are trying to rid yourself from. In the case of weight loss, it may be the feeling of wanting to binge on fast food, or the feeling of dissatisfaction after a healthy meal. Get into that feeling and then, as fast as you can, shift yourself into a different feeling, of the opposite nature; for example, fullness, to tackle the previous feeling of dissatisfaction. Associate it with a good memory. Repeat the process at least three times.
10. Think of your common unhelpful thoughts and replace them with more helpful ones. For example, if you usually think along the lines of “Another helping won’t hurt,” replace it with “I control what I choose to be,” and say it to yourself. Repeat this at least three times with each thought you wish to replace.
11. Play your old, bad behaviour on a mental television screen. Rewind with your mind and pause at the beginning. Replay with your new, positive behaviour.
12. Tell yourself something like “This problem is being washed away day by day,” and “I am choosing a new and better life.”
13. Once you feel ready, return to the real world and open your eyes.
It is normal for this process to take some time; individuals usually require between ten and thirty minutes for one cycle. After adequate practice, use your phrases as anchors to get back into behaviours that are good for you when you feel you are drifting away again.
Like anything, it becomes easier with practice; keep on going, and be sure to practice at least once or twice a week, until you’re sure that your subconscious has been rid of thoughts of your bad habits.
We wish you the best of luck for reaching your goals quickly, and effectively.
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